Roles & Permissions

Both teams and spaces have their own access rights. Here's what each permission gives access to the user.


Each higher level of access includes all of the permissions below it.

For example, the owner of a space can delete & rename spaces, add/remove members, as well as all the permissions for the roles editor and viewer.

  • Manage billing & invoices
  • Transfer spaces
  • Delete team
  • Assign owners & admins
  • Delete space
  • Update/delete team avatar
  • Rename team
  • Invite/remove users
  • Assign roles (edit & view)
  • View credit balance & transaction history
  • Rename space
  • Add/remove team members
  • Assign roles (edit & view)
  • Import sources
  • Create quizzes
  • Create chats, pages, maps
  • Attempt quizzes
  • Leave team
  • View sources, pages
InheritN/ASee below

Inherited Permissions

Only applicable for spaces. Inherit permissions gets the user's team-level permission and matches the same permissions for the space.

E.g. If the admin of the team has inherit permissions of a space, they will have admin permissions for that space.