Chat UI Refresh

The biggest update yet.
Chat UI Refresh

We've been making numerous changes over time to the chat UI in the last few months. Today, we're bringing our biggest feature update to chat.

We've always wanted to declutter and make the chat interface as minimal as we could, and align closely to the style of messaging apps.

We removed unnecessary elements from the view and put the information that you need the most first.

Scroll to bottom

We've fixed a long standing issue where the page would not automatically scroll down while it was generating a response.

160+ new models and some are free to use

We're partnering with OpenRouter to bring you 160 new models to Decosmic. These models vary in context length, modality and cost.

Decosmic will remember the model you last used, so you don't have to keep toggling the models everytime you start a new chat.

160+ New Models

References are even smarter

Decosmic always had references as one of its features to show what sources were used in forming a response. But this was only applicable to the latest message and does not store in your chat history.

Today, we're making the references even better. Every message now shows the references used under it and remembers it in your chat history.

This was an important push because we want to make it transparent to you what goes behind the thought process when Decosmic forms a response.

Improved References

Remembers images you sent previously

Previously, images were only used once for each message. The next message will not remember what the image was in the previous message.

We're making it easier for you, send your image once and Decosmic will remember what the image was from previous messages.

You can even see what was the image you sent previously in your chat history!

Improved Images

Improved chat history

Chat histories are now even better. They are now grouped by the date it was created on, creating a more organised chat history for you to find your messages easier.

Improved References

What's next?

We will continue to bring improvements to chat over time, such as support for multiple images and files. Custom chatbots are currently in the pipeline and scheduled to launch next.